6795 Collier Rd
Orangedale, FL 32092
Contact: Gail Godzich
Open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
8:30 am to 1:00 pm
6795 Collier Rd
Orangedale, FL 32092
Contact: Gail Godzich
Open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
8:30 am to 1:00 pm
“Beautiful young people are accidents of nature but beautiful old people are works of art.” – Eleanor Roosevelt
Are you a resident over 60 in the Trout Creek area and looking for an active Community Senior Center with a scenic view? Look no further!
Trout Creek Park Pavilion offers in-person senior programs on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 8:30am to 1pm.
Join us for group activities, events, and programs! We provide a healthy and delicious lunch, games, fitness classes, educational classes, arts and crafts, and opportunities for socialization.