Located at 180 Marine Street in downtown St. Augustine — Phone Number: 904-209-3649

COA’s Care Connection is 100% donor funded and almost completely volunteer-run program that is designed to help independent older adults meet & manage the more challenging demands of everyday life. Care Connection is a vital program, as it fills the gap between services that are funded by the government and the needs of the older adults in our county. While these services aren’t government funded, they are critical and necessary for our seniors to be able to safely remain happy, healthy and independent in their own homes.

Our team of volunteers can:

  • Assist with monthly budgeting
  • Help with minor home repairs
  • Take care of basic lawn maintenance
  • Install assistive devices like wheelchair ramps & grab bars
  • Make referrals to other agencies
  • Manage donation collection and distribution
  • Assist with accessing services and benefits for those in need

Please call (904) 209-3649 to learn more about the COA Care Connection program.

Make the Care Connection!

Do you need help?

Do you find it difficult to make ends meet? Are you in need of some help with the cost of groceries or healthcare? You are not alone. Did you know there may be help available for you?

Many seniors qualify for—but are not yet enrolled in—benefit programs that could help them pay for prescriptions, medical care, and food.

The COA can help you determine if you are eligible, and apply for additional benefits. For more information please call Care Connection at 904-209-3649 or visit the Care Connection office Monday—Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. A volunteer will help you apply and find the resources you need, either through Care Connection or another community organization.

Eligible seniors are at least 60 years of age; other qualifications may apply.

Help is provided on an “as available” basis.

Care Connection links seniors who need help with resources and volunteers that provide it. Care Connection is staffed by one part-time employee who manages all of the scheduling of activities happening within the department. Every one else involved in Care Connection is a dedicated volunteer.

Our volunteers know the value of the work they do and the impact on the lives of those they serve.
Some of our dedicated hard-working Care Connection volunteer groups include:

  • Cutters and Clippers — A team that handles basic lawn care for the entire county.
  • Wheelchair Ramp/Accessibility Team — a group of men and women who help make it possible for homebound seniors to get in and out of their homes, as well as around inside their homes safely and with dignity by building wheelchair ramps, installing grab bars and doing small home repairs.
  • Donations/Support Team — this group of in-house volunteers assists by providing donated items to those in need, assisting with budgeting, helping pay utility bills, and signing seniors up for SNAP and other beneficial programs.


Donate Items to Care Connection

The following donations are always needed and welcomed:

  • Assistive devices such as walkers, wheelchairs, magnifiers, and accessibility & safety equipment
  • Pet food
  • Your time: in our office or in client homes


Did you know…

If you are looking for a way to help build comradery among your employees while giving back to the community, we have the perfect fit for you. Care Connection offers opportunities for corporate sponsored teambuilding events.

Whether it is building ramps, painting home interiors, minor home repairs or cutting lawns, Care Connection can setup an amazing teambuilding experience for you and your team.