THE SUNSHINE CENTER – Celebrating 20 Years!

COA’s Sunshine Center, licensed by AHCA #9081, provides therapeutic adult day health care for individuals dealing with dementia or other chronic illnesses. The center also provides crucial respite time for caregivers. This year the Sunshine Center is celebrating 20 years of service to the St. Johns County community!

Designed as a therapeutic activity center for adults with special needs such as Alzheimer’s Disease, dementia, and other disorders, the Sunshine Center offers skilled nursing care and specialized activities for adults requiring guidance and personal assistance. Participants enjoy cognitively stimulating activities, supportive services, companionship, and healthy lunches in a safe and secured environment. Adult Day Care is available Monday through Friday, from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm.

The Sunshine Center is licensed by AHCA #9081, and is located at 180 Marine Street in downtown St. Augustine, Florida.

Engaging lifelong learning activities are offered centered around a theme of the day, for example:
  • History Lessons
  • Virtual Field Trips
  • Getting to Know You Discussions
  • Trivia & Thinking Games
  • Dinner & A Movie
  • Outdoor Activities (weather permitting)
  • Art Classes
  • Move to Music
  • Sing-a-Long Songs
  • Game Time with Friends
Contact COA’s Paulette Kozlowski at 904-209-3690 with any questions about memory loss, dementia or adult day care, or for more information.


A lot can happen in a minute. For example: 250 babies are born every minute; lightning strikes the Earth 6,000 times every minute; there are 5 earthquakes every minute and Americans eat 21 thousand slices of pizza every single minute.
(Yep, you read that right!) That’s what the statistics say, anyway.

The statistics also say that, if you add just six seconds to that minute, someone in the United States will develop Alzheimer’s disease. Every time. Every sixty-six seconds. That’s one reason why Council on Aging Executive Director Becky Yanni has made addressing the issues of memory loss, dementia and caregiver support a priority in our community.

Why is adult day care so important when we talk about dementia care? Well, we’re not eating all that pizza alone! The truth is, we all need the company of others to whom we can relate and with whom we feel comfortable. Socialization is crucial to the quality of life at any age, no matter our particular issues. Every one of us is of value, each of us has gifts to give, and all of us have a desire to feel useful. A professional, licensed, adult day care center provides all that and more. There are specially designed activities and exercises that focus on stimulation while encouraging a sense of accomplishment; there are field trips and parties and a rhythm and routine that give the participants a feeling of security and comfort.

The COA welcomes all those who are interested in learning more about Adult Day Care for those with memory loss, Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias to call us at (904) 209-3690 any Monday through Friday from 8 am until 5 pm. Ask questions, access resources or schedule a visit to our adult day care center. The Sunshine Center is located at 180 Marine St. in downtown St. Augustine.

Sixty-six seconds. Just enough time to make a phone call. Because a lot can happen in a minute!